Wednesday, December 29, 2004

eStarNetwork cont'd.

A while back I wrote a post about a MLM company called eStarNetwork. They are a company that sells services such as phone,internet, satellite, and others. Then you earn commission on selling those services. Well when I was browsing Dogpile for results on Quixtar I came across a page about eStarNetworks views on Quixtar. Its in audio form, which I can only assume is the founder of eStarNetworks. Mostly he talks about quixtar's biggest problem is that they were Amway and that is going to be to big for them to overcome because the Amway name has such a bad aura following it. He also talks about how many people don't realize quixtar's relationship with amway until a long time after there involved.

When I was in Quixtar I was under the assumption that Quixtar was just similar to Amway and that's why people were calling it Amway or comparing it to Amway. It wasn't until later that I learned that Quixtar wasn't just similar to Amway it was Amway. Now to be truthful I really didn't know anything about Amway at the time other than that it wasn't a highly respected company. I like many people thought Amway no longer existed. That it was deemed a pyramid scheme many years ago and shut down. This I know now to be untrue. Amway was proven to be a legitimate MLM, but was criticized on a few things and was ordered to some minor changes. That was it.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

May everybody have a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Want to know what MLM is? Or a pyramid Scheme?

I found a great article for those that are confused about what MLM is and why pyramid schemes are so similar.

"MLM (multilevel marketing) is an attractive business proposition to many people. MLM offers the opportunity to become involved in a system for distributing products to consumers. Unlike the person starting a business from scratch, the MLM participant has the support of a MLM company that supplies the products and sometimes offers training as well."

Check it out the full article here.

Misleading information told by amway/quixtar!

I found this great website today its a list of all the things distributors will tell you when trying to recruit you and why this is misleading.

check it out here.

What I find interesting is that this site seems to have been made long before quixtar. Yet so many things are still the same.

I would also like to point out that this is also good information for anybody getting started in any MLM. Because a lot of them use the same tactics and information.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

EA has exclusive rights for the NFL!

For anybody that keeps on video game news. Then you know this little story has rocked the video game this week. EA has bought the exclusive rights to the NFL license. What this means is that EA is the only video game company allowed to make a game using, well basically anything to do with the NFL. What this means is there is no more Sega ESPN Football (My personal Favorite), NFL Blitz, or GameDay by 989 sports. EA had a lot of competition from sega last year, so what do they do they just buy up the rights so no one can compete with them. This is so wrong, on so many levels. EA already has exclusive rights to NASCAR, PGA, and FIFA. I wouldn't doubt it if they go for MLB and NBA next.

Pretty soon EA is going to become a monopoly. They already own like half the video game companies. They already have a claims against them for not paying there workers and making them work ungodly hours. I don't think I'm going to buy another product from them until they start playing right. By that I mean they try besting other companies by making a better product, instead of either buying that company or making it so they cant make a certain game. This is starting to remind me of Microsoft.

Anyways you can read the full story here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Now say your sorry!

Have you said your sorry yet?

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

If Your Business Is So Great?

One thing that bothered me during my time in Quixtar, was there use of psychology to get people to do almost anything. They and many other people have this down to a science. This is one reason that salesman are so unpopular anymore. No one wants to talk to a salesman, because they know that they will be able to get them to do or buy something they wouldn'’t normally. This is why retailers like Wal-mart do so well these days. There is no one there pressuring them to buy something.

In MLM, psychology is used at great length to get people to join up. With a few good questions they have you convinced that life is horrible and that you need to change it, and that the only way you can do that is through there business.

During my brief time in Quixtar I was disgusted by all the ways I was taught how to manipulate a person. This came mostly from the book of the months. If you say this you can get them talking. But if they say this you counter with this to draw them away from that concern without really answering there question. The only thing I was doing was tricking them into doing something I knew they did not want to do or thought wasn'’t right. Since there business can’t sell itself by what it offers, they have to resort to cheap psychology tactics and hype.

I think it comes down to if your business is so great why do you have to trick people to get them to do it? If it was truly that good, there shouldn’t be any need to. People have been told over and over again “if it sounds too good to be true, than it probably is.” So the heads of these MLM’s have to constantly come up with ways to convince you otherwise.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Don't Trust Everything You Read on the Net!

This was a familiar saying while I was in Quixtar to defend against all the websites against them. Now any web savvy person knows that you can't trust everything you read on the net. Hell you can't trust even half the things. But that doesn't mean every website is all lies.

Well today while I was doing my routine check of I came across an article about how students are increasingly using nothing but the net for there research. For the full article click here.

Many teachers are worried that students aren't getting factually true information. Because they only look to the Internet. Like the students in the article I don't want to comb a library for 2 hours only to find one good source. When in like 10 seconds you could probably find at least 10 or 20 through google. While it is very difficult to figure out what is true and what is not. You just have to be careful and figure out what the authors intentions are.

I try to be as accurate as possible on my blog but I too fall victim to bad information like everyone else. But the great thing about blogs is that they are more about your opinions.

My Blade Trinity Review

Went and saw Blade Trinity on wensday night. Very fun movie to watch. I think I still like Blade 2 better but it was fun to spend the night out with friends and to ogle at Jessica Biel for 2 hours. What really surprised me was how Ryan Reynold's stole the show from Wesley Snipes. Reynold's is hilarious. Here is a quote from the movie by Reynold's when he is explaining to Blade about one of the vampires he just encountered.
"Unlike other vampires, this women's fang's are in her vagina."
He has tons of witty lines like that in the movie that will make you double over laughing. Other than Reynold's lines everybody else's lines and acting is very stiff. Even comparied to the previous Blade movies. But you don't go to see a movie like this for the acting. You go for the action and there is plenty of it.

If your a fan of the Blade movies go see it in the theatres. If not at least check it out once by renting it when it comes out on DVD and Video.

Friday, December 10, 2004


I first learned of Cutco when my friend called about there ad in the paper for a job. On the phone he set up a time for an interview in a city about an hour from where we live. When he got back from his interview he was so happy about how he got the job, especially since he was competing with a bunch of other people for a limited number of positions. He then in the following weeks drove back to that city for a series of training sessions.

Well what is Cutco? Cutco is company that sells fine Cutlery. Other wise known as knives. These knives are very expensive but good.

Why am I talking about this company? Well I'm not quite sure that Cutco is an MLM. Since it mainly teaches its reps to sell and not recruit. Though it is possible to recruit other people into Cutco. Cutco is known for using a lot of deception in its hiring practices and sales pitches. One such deception this company uses is when you call the number in the ad, you think you are getting interviewed for a job. In actuality you are not. You are being signed up as an independent contractor or salesman. You also think you are competing with others for only a few available positions. Also not true, the company will sign up almost everybody that comes for an interview. These new reps are then given lots of misinformation about the product they are selling and the competitors products. Also there is a big misinformation on the amount of money you can earn. Or you can have my friends misfortune and not get paid at all for most of the products he sold. For more on Cutco's misinformation, visit this site or do a quick search for Cutco on google.

According to the site mentioned above, not all branches of this company are bad. And I'm sure you can at least make some alright side cash from it. If you can find someone that can afford to buy there products from you. Be sure to research the information you are told by them.

Now on to the knives themselves. I've used them many times and they are very good, but they are way over priced. These knives will more than likely last your entire lifetime and maybe your children's. But when these knives sell between $500 - $1500 for the different sets available. (You can also buy them individually.) While they are of very high quality, they are not the best quality of knives you can buy like you are told by a sales rep. Something to do with the difference between stamped and forged steel. The average person does not need a set of knives like these in there kitchen. Why do I need a knife in my kitchen that can cut through a thick piece of rope or a penny? What am I possibly going to be cutting in my kitchen that is that tuff? Most people will do just find with decent set of knives from a local retailer. You really cant go wrong buying them, they will just cost you an arm and a leg. It also should be noted that you can only purchase Cutco's products through sales reps.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Jay Van Andel passes away at 80.

You can read the full story here at The Detroit Free Press.

I feel that Van Andel set out to create a good wholesome company in Amway/Quixtar, built on strong family values and way to help the average guy improve there life and get ahead in this world. But do its high success and a few bad apples. It was turned into something they never intended it to be.

What I'm going to find interesting in the next few days is if any of the so called Diamond blogs make any mention of this. I'm going to be very disappointed if they cant even find the time to post a tribute to the founder of there great company.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Recently I was contacted by a guy who was doing some research on Quixtar. In our chats he informed me of another MLM that he was a part of. It was called Primerica. What is Primerica? Well it seems Primerica is a marketing arm of Citigroup. From what I've read Primerica deals in the Service of credit counseling and the selling of Life Insurance. How they do this is they recruit people into a MLM structure and then sell there Life Insurance policies to the people that join. Then the people that join promote the insurance and MLM structure to the people they now. Basic multi-level marketing. From just a quick bit of research, which consisted of just searching for the company on google. I turned up whole bunch of information and lets just say most of it wasn't very positive. A lot of the information sounded like another company I know of. Over stated Income possibilities, cult like atmosphere, and etc. Mmmm! Sounds like Quixtar. Here is a quote from a guys first experience with Primerica.

"We watched a video of 2 top Primerica entrepeuners. When I started to hear "Amen" and "Yes" chanted in the background of both the video and from the people in the room with me, I felt as if I was in a cult."

Here is another good one.

"After the video, I asked Larry if this organization had any similar qualities to Amway. "Oh NO, we help people.""
Those come from a guys post on a Rip Off Report for Primerica.

OUCH!! I wonder what the people from Amway and Quixtar have to say about that last one there.

Here is a link to a site by a guy that seems to know a lot about Primerica. So What's up with Primerica?

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Tired of scratched CD's and DVD's?

I know I sure am getting tired of renting DVD's from the video store and having them scratched to hell and not working. It's getting so bad that movies older that a year or two they don't even carry anymore because they ran out of working copies. Well it seems there will soon be hope. Check out this article over at ign.

Let's just hope they get this out soon.

A website MLM?

So I was searching around the net for ways to improve my blog here and check out what I came across

It seems to be a MLM based off of selling website service. As far as I can figure out, you sign up for there website service. Then you refer others to join up with them and you make money for referring them to there service. But I'm not quite sure, the site isn't very clear and honestly I didn't look at it for to long. Just thought someone would find that interesting. I remember when I showed my first plan in Quixtar. The guy I was showing told me about another MLM that sold bottle water and kept asking if that was what Quixtar was like. It seems there's a MLM for just about any product or service you can think of. If anybody finds any other intersting ones let me know.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Changes and that new guy on the left!

You've probably noticed by now I've been making some changes to the blog. I got bored with the old look and blogger didn't really offer any templates that I liked so I'm making my own. Recently I've been in contact with a guy who Is going to allow me to basically interview him about another MLM company that he says wasn't what it appeared to be, and I'm going to write a post about his story. I think its going to be interesting. I've also gatta couple of other things I'm planning on doing. So this should be an interesting month.

Oh and do you guys like the new graphic on the left? I think it looks like an IBO right before he's about to show the plan. What do you think he looks like? Maybe we can have a naming contest or something.

Friday, December 03, 2004


If your ready to try a different web browser than internet explorer or netscape I highly recomend Mozilla FireFox wich you can get here. Get Firefox!

Ive found this to be an awsome web browser that I think is better the Internet Explorer. Its been more stable for me. For some reason my Internet Explorer has been having alot issues and it's crashing alot. So far FireFox hasnt crashed on me once. One of my favorite features it lets you have multiple pages open in one window using tabs. Whats really cool is that it lets you open all the pages you have saved in your favorites folders with one click. So Rediscover the web and tell me what you think of it.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Blog is the Number 1 Word of the year!

Merriam-Webster Inc today said that the number 1 word looked up on there site for the year of 2004. Its been amazing to me just to witness and participate in the blog explosion. I heard about blogs a few years ago but it didn't really interest me until I started looking up information on Quixtar. So I decided hey why not start my own and talk about my experiences in the biz. Now I have two blogs this and another called gamers blog This one I just started it a week back. In it I talk about being a video game junkie and the games I play. I'm still very new at bloging but I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. It's to much fun and I get to have my voice heard.

To read the full article about blogs number 1 on go here

Also on a side not I think its funny if you use the spell check with blogger it doesn't recognize the word blog or any of the variants as valid words.