Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Movies!!

The last couple of nights have been cool. Last night my room mate his girl and me went to see The Incredibles. Awesome movie people and a great family movie if some of you have yet to go see it go go go go. Pixar has just got a great talent in making movies that anybody can go see. I mean I'm 21 and I went with friends that are the same age as me and we loved it and its supposed to be like a kid/family movie. Pixar shows how you can make a movie anybody can love and have it not use sex or profanity. Something you cant say about Shrek 2. While I loved that movie, there were parts of it that I sat there think OMG kids are watching this. Did we really need to have pinochio wearing a thong. But Pixar did it with out such moments and did an awesome job. So if I haven't said this yet go see it.

And tonight the same three of us and another good friend went and saw National Treasure. It was a good fun movie to watch with your friends. It wasn't no where near as bad as the critics were saying it was. Ok the story wasn't even close to believable but it wasn't like they twisted the history books or anything. They just crafted a story around what we know of Americas history. It took a lot of creativity and research to make this flick. So if you wanna just go and have a good time with friends go see National Treasure.

Also what do you guys think of movie critics. Personally I cant stand them most of the time. It seems unless the movie is deep and emotionally moves you or something that it isn't a good movie. Unless memory servers me wrong but wasn't movies created to entertain. There's nothing wrong with movies that are deep and move you but seriously I watch movies to have fun. If I had fun watching the movie I say it was a good movie. It did what it set out to do, it entertained someone. But that's just my thoughts.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanks Mother Nature! NOT!

So I leave my house earlier today to go down state to my mom's house for Thanksgiving a three hour drive. So I hop on the freeway and I notice the pavement is awfully shiny and up ahead I see cop lights flashing and as I get closer I see a truck flipped over on the road and another in the ditch. So I slow down and my car starts to swerve a little bit. I get my car under control and I slow way the hell down to like 25 mph. And I realize the hole free way is icy or commonly referred to as black ice. So I decided to keep going for a while, that this was probably just a small patch of the freeway that is like this. So I'm going along and I notice car after car in the ditch with people standing outside of them and other motorists stopped to help them. So I finally decided after hearing a weather report to turn around and head back home. So on my way back home this large truck goes flying past me. Then a little bit later I notice some red tail lights swerve to the left then sharply to the right and right off the road. As I drive by I notice it was the same truck that went flying by me. Luckily a few other cars had already stopped to help the driver and it really didn't look to bad the guy just got stuck down in the ditch. Luckily I made it back home in one piece. Damn you mother nature for keeping me from my family on thanksgiving and my mom's cooking. Oh well I've got like 3 local thanksgiving feast offers to choose from.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY may yours be better than mine.

1. When its snowy and rainy out slow the hell down when your driving.
2. Don't live in the northern part of the country where you get this kind of weather.
3. Live closer to family.
4. Enjoy the holiday with your family.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Merchants of Deception!

The other day I received an email from a Eric Scheibeler about his new book and website www.merchantsofdeception.com . I spent the good part of one night reading his book, which you can download for free from his site. Its stories like his that we speak out about Quixtar and Amway.

Something that stood out to me in his story was about what he discovered was being told at women's meetings. That they are to never refuse there husbands sex. Wow! My girl friend made a comment to me about this when I told her about this. She said it seems there trying to return women to the status of property. If you have ever been in the business you know that women are not to show the plan or anything there really only to support there husbands and stay home and take care of the kids. Now I'm all for it if a women wants to stay home and take care of the kids full time, but if she wants to go out and work and do something she really loves to do I'm not going to tell her no. Taking care of the kids is supposed to be a joint effort not just the women's job. Reading that in his book I also thought of something, when I was in the business it seemed that all the wives of the leaders were always pregnant. I guess if that is what is being taught at the women's meetings that would certainly explain why.

Anyways even if you are not in, was in, or are being prospected by an IBO I would definitely recommend reading Eric Scheibeler's book at www.merchantsofdeception.com. It definitely raises some questions about the various groups in Quixtar/Amway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Where's The Money?

I work at a grocery store as a cashier and a few weeks back, I had an unexpected person come through my line. It was the wife of one of my platinum uplines. She was purchasing some groceries obviously. It wasn't a whole lot, just a few of items. It looked like stuff for dinner that night. Ok so not a big deal. Quixtar can't delivering things that fast if you need something for that night. But what did make me take notice was that she had to use her credit card to pay for some pumpkins for Halloween. This wasn't a situation like oh I forgot can I get a couple of pumpkins. No she had all her groceries and the pumpkins on the belt and had the pumpkins be a separate order. Now her first order she paid with a check. So the only logical assumption I could come up with is that she did not have enough money in her account to pay for everything. And she and her husband are supposed to be platinum's. Also last I heard her husband was still working at his job. So with the combined income of a job and Quixtar platinum. They couldn't afford to pay for maybe 20-30 dollars worth of stuff. Makes you wonder don't it. But hey I could be wrong and it was just some odd circumstance where they had to do that.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Star Wars

For those that don't know me, I'm a huge Star Wars fan. And like all other Star Wars fans we eagerly await the next movie, Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of The Sith. For those of you interested here I have a picture of one of the key bad guys. His name is General Grevious and he hunts jedis for sport and wears the jedi's he's killed lightsabers on his belt.

For those further interested there is a teaser trailer up for episode 3 at www.starwars.com.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Being Creative.

Anybody who has read my blog here knows that one of my biggest beefs with quixtar was the lack of creativity. Don't be creative just do what we tell you to do and you will succeed. Well I absolutely hated not being able to try my own things. I used to lay in my bed every night thinking of ways I could improve the way we did things in quixtar. I love being creative. It all started when I was a kid and my best friend Randy and I would play with our legos all day long. I'm serious ALL DAY. Randy's parents were my babysitters. So my mom would drop me and my sis off and randy and I would go into his room and build things with are legos up till the time my mom came to pick me up. We would create all kinds of things, it was great.

Now stop and think about this for a second. Look at the richest people in America, you will find they all got there through creativity. They all created a product or service or something that lots of people liked.

Personally I get a lot more satisfaction from from something I created then something I just copied. Now to tie this in with what's going on with my life now. In the last few months or so I have started a host of new things. I've been learning to write novels and short stories, I have started learning alot about making video games and have created a few levels for Doom 3. And as of yesterday I have begun to learn how to play the guitar. Where am I going with all this, well to put it plainly I feel so much better when I'm doing these things. I'm getting to express my creativity. I would highly recommend it to everybody to start learning new things and start expressing your creativity.

Just do something new and creative you will feel so much happier because of it trust me.