Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Where's The Money?

I work at a grocery store as a cashier and a few weeks back, I had an unexpected person come through my line. It was the wife of one of my platinum uplines. She was purchasing some groceries obviously. It wasn't a whole lot, just a few of items. It looked like stuff for dinner that night. Ok so not a big deal. Quixtar can't delivering things that fast if you need something for that night. But what did make me take notice was that she had to use her credit card to pay for some pumpkins for Halloween. This wasn't a situation like oh I forgot can I get a couple of pumpkins. No she had all her groceries and the pumpkins on the belt and had the pumpkins be a separate order. Now her first order she paid with a check. So the only logical assumption I could come up with is that she did not have enough money in her account to pay for everything. And she and her husband are supposed to be platinum's. Also last I heard her husband was still working at his job. So with the combined income of a job and Quixtar platinum. They couldn't afford to pay for maybe 20-30 dollars worth of stuff. Makes you wonder don't it. But hey I could be wrong and it was just some odd circumstance where they had to do that.


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