Being Thankful
When I used to go to meetings, it used to really bother me how the speaker would bash our lives. Like they were so horrible and we should be ashamed of them. I'm not ashamed of my life I'm thankful for it. When I would look around at the meeting and see all these people agreeing with the speaker I thought to my self, don't you people realize that 3/4 of the population of the world would kill to have a life like ours. We enjoy so many things that a lot of people in this world don't get to. We have clean water, cars, houses, electricity, food, schools. That just names a small few of the things we have. And here is this guy speaking about our horrible lives. I thank god every day for the wonderful life I have. Is it perfect, no. But it could be a whole lot worse. Now I'm not saying we shouldn't strive to make our lives even better. But lets stop bashing this wonderful life we were granted. I feel lucky that I get to go to work every day. Hey we get to choose where we work for the most part. In a lot of places in the world you don't get a choice. I have a job, a car with payments, a small apartment, lots of bills, good friends, wonderful family members, and a girl friend I love, and I'm thankful everyday that I get to have all those things and I don't have to live some place where I don't know where my next meal is coming from or if I'm going to get murdered by someone because I don't agree with them.
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