Request for some help!
Ok I need to get some help from someone who really knows HTML well, so that I can get my current blog template to work correctly. My blog looks exactly like I want it to when IM looking at it through FireFox at 1024x768 but when I look at it through IE things don't line up right. Also if someone looks at my blog with a screen resolution of 800x600 or lower my sidebar ends up underneath all my posts not on the side. I've been tinkering with it for a long time to get things to work properly but its beyond my knowledge of HTML. I really like my set up and I don't want to change it. I just want the sidebar to be on the side and it not be in the side graphic I have. So if someone out there could help me out or point me in a direction where I could get some help I would be most appreciative.
Update : Ok here is a link to a picture of how my blog looks to me. CLICKY!
Update : Ok I see how my sidebar and my main are determined by percentages. Is there any way that I can change them so that they are a specific width? So that they take up the same amount of space regardless of what a persons screen res is.