Information Control!
Lately it has dawned on me how much control my MLM company has on its members. The last few days my room mate and I have been having some discussions about MLM in general. Comparing other MLM's to ours. In those discussions I would bring up some of the things that had been problems for other MLM's and then my room mate would admediatly tell me that all the problems that other MLM companies have ours dosnt have that problem. How our MLM is as close to perfect as you can get. That everybody in the company has the upmost integrity. He would then try to explain to my why that was but could never come up with a explanation that made any plausible sense. He was mostly sprouting the one liners that we were taught to say from the tapes and the meetings. These sayings might sound good on the surfice but when you try to examine them you realize they really dont make any sense at all. What really bothers me is why do we trust these people on the tapes and on the stages so easily. Looking back on things now Ive realized how they never did anything that said they were trust worthy, they just made me a lot of promises that if i worked hard for so long and kept on system success was all but guarentied. But anyways I let my room mate make his points and I really tried not to disagree with him. I know there is no way I can change his thinking Ive got to let him discover some of the truths himself. I just really hope he doesnt find himself burned in a couple of years.