Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Long time no see & the fate of the blog.

I know it's been a while but I've been busy working on the new blog for the past two weeks. Mainly that has been in the form of learning html, css, php, database's, and other server technologies. I'm happy to say that work on it is almost complete and will let you guys know the address to it very soon.

Now on to this blog. I'm unsure as to weather or not to continue with this or not. I've enjoyed my time with this blog and have been doing this one for almost a year now. So I would like to put it up to my readers. Do you guys like reading this blog and would like me to continue or do you think this is a horrible abomination and would like it to just die? If you do enjoy this blog tell me what you like about it and what you don't. If I am to continue, what on MLM would you like me to cover?


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Saturday Quote

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Experiencing Technical Difficulties!

Ok please tell me if you can see any images on my blog at all. I've been using my free yahoo geocities account to host all my picture files because I didn't have a whole lot of them but I've been using it more and more and it may look like I've finally gone over the bandwidth limit. I'm going to try and get everything hosted else where as soon as possible.

Update : Hmmm.. it seems like everything is working again and I didnt change anything. Looks like maybe it was just a problem with geocities.

Sin City

I'm Really looking forward to seeing this movie!

If you haven't seen the trailer for it click on poster. The style of the movie looks incredible its got that dark comic book feel to it.

By the way if your wondering who sings that music in the background to the preview there name is The Servant and the song is called Cells. I've been listening to some of there other songs and I think they are really good. They sound a lot different from everybody else out there. Which is something I have been searching for.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Is Multi-Level Marketing that bad?

When I first started out in Quixtar I had no real idea what MLM really was. Since then I have read hundreds of articles on it and participated in one. Most people as soon as they here multi-level marketing often automatically think scam or pyramid scheme. While this is untrue, there thinking in all honesty is not far off from being wrong. When you compare the number of legitimate MLM’s to the number of scams and pyramid schemes that pose as legitimate ones, one understand why people think this way. MLM is just a form of business and is not illegal, but it is easy for unscrupulous people to take this form of business and tweak it so that it benefits them and sucks the money from those that get involved. MLM can be a very good form of business if it is run correctly and be a good source of income for someone participating in it. But I don’t think the general public will ever come view MLM as good form of business due to the fact that it just to easy for someone to start an illegal one that will con thousands of people out of millions of dollars.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday Quote

Saturday's are a hard day to write a post because all my friends like to come over to my house and use my computer. So what I'm going to do is just post my favorite quotes on saturday's. Hope you all enjoy them.

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.
- Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President 1803-1809, writer of The Declaration Of Independence, Anti-Federalist

Friday, March 04, 2005

A Quixtar IBO's many struggles.

An IBO pulls up in a 1980's or 90's something rust bucket. Gets out in his hand me down, worn suit and greets prospect.

IBO - "How are you doing (so and so)"
Prospect - "Good and you?"
IBO - "I'm great, lets go in and let me show you something that will change your life!"
Prospect - "Um ok"
IBO - "What would you say if I had a way you could retire with immense wealth in 2 -5 years?"

The prospect sits there and thinks for a moment. In his mind "Didn't he just pull up in something almost resembling a vehicle, in a badly worn suit? And now he is going to tell me how to make tons of money and retire in just a few years?"

Prospect - "Come back to me in 2 - 5 years when you can prove this to me."

And many IBO's wonder why they get turned down a lot.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Vector/Cutco Article

Came across this article tonight about Vector/Cutco.

To recap what Vector/Cutco is, Vector is a company that signs up college kids to sell there Cutco knives in a Multi Level Marketing style. The problem with this is that these knives are extremely expensive and thus there is a really really small market for these knives. Thus selling these knives is almost impossible.

I've written about this company before and I can't stress enough to any college student to stay away from this company.